目前分類:2007-07-26 第三次 (6)

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7/26 Vickey

The Concepts of Classicism and Romanticism By Chi, Ch’iu-lang

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7/26 Vickey
Period Style and Periodization by Tak-wai Wong
I.    The writing of a history of literature without periodization is unworkable.(46)

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7/26 Vickey
Full-length Hsiao-shuo and the Western Novel: A Generic Reappraisal by Andrew H. Plak
I.    Novel

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Felicia Tong
The third panel discussion

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2007-07-26 第三次讀書會
speaker: michelle
書目:楊牧. 論一種英雄主義 [Towards Defining a Chinese Heroism]. 單德興譯.

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*Flicia:Comparative Literature: Its Definition and Function
*Lily: 1. From Comp. Lit. to Translation Studies 2. Thematology East and West 3.
* Michelle: 1.  Constructing Cultures: Introduction 2. The Translation Turn in Cultural Studies

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