發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2007-09-17 第五次 felicia: The Taiwan—Hong Kong Axis (70) (0)
2007-08-14 4th- Lily- Thematology East And West: A Survey and Theoretical exploration (459) (0)
2007-08-14 5th- Lily -From Comparative Literature to Translation Studies (86) (0)
2007-08-14 5th- Lily -From Comparative Literature to Translation Studies (105) (0)
2007-08-14 2nd- Lily- Where the Lines Meet: Parallelism in Chinese and Western Literature (59) (0)
2007-08-09 6th-Maxine-CL in the age of multiculturalism-2 (Levin,Greene,Bernheimer reports+Sincerely yours) (49) (0)
2007-08-09 5th-Maxine-Genre (35) (0)
2007-08-09 4th-Maxine-Comparative literature in the age of multiculturalism (49) (0)
2007-08-08 3rd-vicky-The Concepts of Classicism and Romanticism By Chi, Ch’iu-lang (46) (0)
2007-08-08 3rd-vicky-Period Style and Periodization by Tak-wai Wong (189) (0)
2007-08-08 3rd-vicky-Full-length Hsiao-shuo and the Western Novel: A Generic Reappraisal by Andrew H. Plak (50) (0)
2007-08-07 颱風天 (31) (0)
2007-08-07 3rd-felicia-Comparative Literature: Its Definition and Function by Henry H. H. Remak (2314) (1)
2007-08-06 3rd-michelle-towards defining a chinese heroism (中文版) (66) (0)
2007-08-06 大會報告 (57) (2)
2007-08-06 2nd-michelle-vale atque ave: superlative lit. studies in the next millennium (revised) (27) (0)
2007-08-06 2nd-michelle-naturalization and barbarization (revised) (4) (0)
2007-07-25 第四次讀書會書單 (55) (2)
2007-07-23 michelle's lost handouts (9) (0)
2007-07-23 1st-michelle-文學與神話 (15) (0)
2007-07-22 第三次書單(7/26) (52) (1)
2007-07-22 第二次書單(7/20) (12) (0)
2007-07-22 2nd--Vickey-Literary Indebtedness and Comparative Literary Studies (272) (1)
2007-07-22 1st- Vickey- The Use of "Models" (8) (0)
2007-07-20 2nd-maxine-The case of china-korea-japan (41) (1)
2007-07-20 1st-maxine-中西比較文學定義的探討revised (177) (0)
2007-07-12 1st-felicia-中國古典詩和英美詩中 山水美感意識的演變(revised) (92) (5)
2007-07-11 文章格式阿達了! (39) (2)
2007-07-10 1st: 書單與報告人 (15) (0)
2007-07-10 第一篇 (18) (4)