The fifth panel discussion (2007/08/20)
The TaiwanHong Kong Axis by
. Background of Japan

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4th run --Lily

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From Comparative Literature to Translation Studies

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From Comparative Literature to Translation Studies

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Study Group  2ed run


            Parallelism in Chinese and Western Literature

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Comparative literature in the age of multiculturalism-2:

The Levin report, 1965 The report on professional standards

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I. The genre study in history
A. Cicero, Quintilian, Horace: The first writers stressed the segregation of literary genres→ demands for genre purity, uniform and the established orders (characteristic of classical and neoclassical styles)(p.99)

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7/26 Vickey

The Concepts of Classicism and Romanticism By Chi, Ch’iu-lang

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7/26 Vickey
Period Style and Periodization by Tak-wai Wong
I.    The writing of a history of literature without periodization is unworkable.(46)

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