*Flicia:Comparative Literature: Its Definition and Function
*Lily: 1. From Comp. Lit. to Translation Studies 2. Thematology East and West 3.
* Michelle: 1.  Constructing Cultures: Introduction 2. The Translation Turn in Cultural Studies

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*  Michelle: 1.  Vale atque Ave     2. Naturalization or Barbarization
* Lily: The Vervour Nineties  
* Vickey: Literary Indebtedness and Comp. Lit. Studies

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Literary Indebtedness and Comparative Literary Studies (influence study)

I.    Literary indebtedness: influence/ historical study

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The use of 「Models」 in East-West Comparative Literature(William Yip) --- by Vickey

I. What is 「Model?」

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Chinese-Eastern Comparative literature studies: The Case of China-Korea-Japan         John J. Deeney

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中西比較文學定義的探討  袁鶴翔

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Felicia Tong

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dear all:


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2.中國古典詩和英美詩中 山水美感意識的演變-felicia
3.中西比較文學定義的探討 《中西比較文學論集》-maxine

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Dear all:


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